Significant erosion of emergent marsh and upland habitats has taken place along the shorelines of the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). This marsh habitat serves as the winter feeding grounds for the highly endangered whooping crane. A total of 15 miles of shoreline have been identified as needing erosion control measures in total. This project would fund engineering, design and construction costs necessary for the full suite of shoreline protection actions needed in St. Charles Bay, including 2.5 miles of shoreline protection and 90 acres of coastal marsh restoration. Restoration actions will include recontouring the surface to establish a more natural flow pattern and planting with native vegetation. This project complements similar work being done on the Blackjack Peninsula at ANWR funded through Hurricane Harvey recovery funds.

PROJECT COST: $2,100,000
LEAD ORGANIZATION: US Fish & Wildlife Service

Additional Benefits:

  • Potential population benefiting: 5,300
  • Potential carbon storage: 78 tons CO2
  • Critical facilities in vicinity: 17
State, Estuary, and Project Type for this project:
Texas San Antonio Bay Oyster Reefs & Shorelines