Making the Most
of Restoration
Priorities for a Recovering Gulf
Base Image: USFWS, Montage: Openbox9
The National Wildlife Federation has worked for nearly two decades to improve the health of the Gulf of Mexico for people and wildlife. We hope all Americans will join us in supporting efforts that will lead to a healthy and vibrant Gulf.
Estuaries – where fresh water from rivers mixes with the saltier waters of the Gulf – provide habitat for hundreds of species of fish and wildlife. Restoring the functionality of these systems will create substantive, lasting benefits.
The Deepwater Horizon settlements have made as much as $16 billion available – the largest ecosystem restoration effort in U.S. history. Even so, the Gulf of Mexico is facing many challenges and it will be critical to use every dollar wisely.
Get in touch with our experts and find out how you can make a difference for the Gulf of Mexico.
Photo Credit: Leighton Lum